Sunday, September 7, 2008

Rodgers and Hammerstein


In my own little corner

in my own little chair

I can be whatever I want to be

on the wings of my fancy

I can fly anywhere

and the world will open its arms to me

I'm a young Norwegian princess

...or a goatmaid

What girl needs anything else?

the end.


Alina Klein said...

"I'm a girl mango mad for love's a game I can play....." wait, it's not "mango"? I guess banana *would* be more appropriate.


"Just as long as I stay in my own little COR--NER!!! ALL alone IN MY own little CHAIIIIIR!"

Fintan's so learning that song tomorrow.

brook said...

OMG is that where you live? That you might say..."aMAZEing!"

love it. so happy for you.

Liz S... said...
