Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Not so much about farming

So. I went for a longish bike ride the other day--as is my wont. I rode to the town Waimea, approximately 17 miles from the farm. Getting there is quite a climb, about 2,000 feet of vertical gain over a couple of miles. I was breathing hard. The sun was shining hard. I was drinking a lot of water. ...And I'd started the day off right. Coffee. Tea. Other water. So. I had to pee. Badly. But! luckily I knew where the public bathrooms are for the farmer's market. So I dashed over there (thinking about those triathletes who just wet themselves as they go--which wasn't making it any easier for me, let me tell you). I arrived, wheeled my bicycle right in, ran to a stall, and proceeded to relieve myself.


You know those "Camelbaks"? You know those long hoses they have? Those too long hoses they have? With the little nozzle at the end upon which you place your mouth to drink? You know those things?

I peed on that.


I know. I know. I mean, what do you DO after that?

I had no other vessel (having generously left my sister's water bottles in SLC.) It was Sunday. It was hot.

And it was seventeen miles back home.

...should i not have told this story?


Unknown said...

I dunno. Isn't pee made out of cleaning agent? Ammonia. Yeah. When you drink water, your body makes it into ammonia. And when you drink alcohol, your body makes it into bleach. That is why people sometimes die when they drink too much alcohol. Fumes, or something. I think they usually use those people to make soap.

So I guess what I am trying to say is that you should be ok.

Alina Klein said...

Ig! Plech! Pluey!

But everyone drinks their own pee in Hi!, right? Oh wait, that's Dune. Same difference... ;)

brook said...

HA! Pee pee is sterile. You should've spit on the end, wiped it off with your shirt and forgotten about it.

: D

Unknown said...

I want to understand that I left the above comment at around three o' clock in the morning after some amount of drinking. At the time I thought it hilarious. Now...well, I would have to disagree with my earlier assessment.

Unknown said...

YOU to understand. No wonder my kids (yes, I have kids too. 24 of them, in fact) are having problems learning how to write.