Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I could feed them. All of them.

This is what happens on a slow day at the market. When everyone has a stronger force of will than me. "Take this." They say. Me: "Oh! Gee, thank you! but I already got..." as they shove bushels of radishes into my arms. And stash lettuce beside the cheese cooler. And hide papayas behind the van. I even got (and by "got" I mean "was forced to accept") spam musubi! SPAM! Spaaaaaaammmmmm. Spam-sushi. Like this:

...should I eat it?


lalove said...


Memorialize this as the first (and possibly only) comment that I have ever left on a blog.

brook said...


Liz S... said...

Absolutely. You'll regret it if you don't. I promise. Just a bite at least. Come on, you know you want to.

Anonymous said...

I like bread and butter
I like toast and jam
I like things good and simple
so you should eat that spam sushi...

Claudie Cakes said...

I'd do it! (eat spam sushi that is) if I had a shit ton of wasabi!!)

Tara! how are you? how's hawaii!?

I have a blog too! che-che-check it out!

miss ya!