Sunday, August 31, 2008


All right folks. Here it is. The CUTENESS.
Get ready to curl your toes and keen.
It's KIDS. Unleashed.


and another. Awwww...

and anoth--uh-oh.
she saw me.

Oh! Hello.

...It's like they want something.

...really want something.

Yes? Can I help you?

Hmm... he looks a little piqued.


Poor dears. They think I'm going to feed them.

But I'm not.

I'm just going to keep moving about in front of them with a bottle
I'm going to feed them, so they'll make cute faces for the camera.

Say "Cheese!"

...or leave. Er. sorry.

Every time I walk by they start wildly sucking on one another.
They get all soggy.

Love you all, you all. Take care of yourselves and send me your news, 'kay?!

Crap. Can't help it. One more.


But wait! It gets better!



brook said...

I'm so happy you started a blog!!! This is a much better way for us to fully understand what is happening in your life.
I "ooh"ed and "awwwwh"ed all over the place. That one baby goat's umbilical cords isn't even eaten off all the way yet!!!

Do it! Do it! Do it! More! More! More!

Unknown said...

The cuteness is unbearable. I giggled, I squeaked, I writhed. I am making all of my friends look.

They may have soundly beaten Percy in this first cute-off. H better get motivated.

Alina Klein said...

Oh goodness! The cuteness! I'm talking about your profile pic, of course. ;)

Fintan is already quoting your blog and asking for "more goats!" He learned to scroll this morning just to look at your pics and he'd get to the right one and say "uh oh, she saw me!"

More, more, more!