Saturday, November 29, 2008


sooooo. I kind of work a lot. Very strange hours. An hour to myself here. An half an hour there. Evenings often full up. So when I do have some time I'd much rather, say, drink tea and read my violin ...ride my bicycle ...mess with Otis, pig ...sit and stare, than cook.

So here is a list of what I have eaten thus far on this day:
-peanut butter and honey on a spoon (several)
-three bananas (one with peanut butter)
-two cucumbers
-a handful of macadamia nuts with raisins
-several small cubes of feta off of the sample plate at the market
-four oranges
-a papaya (with seeds)

[note: the only items on this list from the supermarket are raisins and peanut butter.]

And tonight I plan on putting most all of those same things, as well as some broccoli, avocado, and tomatoes, on top of several different types of lettuce and calling it dinner. Living on a farm (especially one in Hawaii) is awesome.

I think I graze more than the goats do.


Alina Klein said...

Wow, that is seriously cool, Smara. But, pardon me for saying so, your bathroom must STINK! ;)

Keri said...

This is why we are friends, I'm also a grazer. Farm? Pah-SHAW