Saturday, November 22, 2008

oh my god my gecko

Oooooohhhhhhh noooooooooooooo!

My GECKO! Not Echo (the one that lives in my trailer whom I feed at the risk of inviting ever more cockroaches into my life) but Deco! (the one that lives on my deck and raids the pig-Otis scrap bowl and poohs on me when I'm doing yoga)

THIS gecko

(the one in the foreground - I don't know who that was back there) was swiped RIGHT OFF MY DECK by a bird just moments after I finished recording this. Ohhhhh, Deco.

I'm so sad.


brook said...

I'm very sorry you're sad but something tells me another gecko will replace Deco very, very soon...if it hasn't already.
: )

Alina Klein said...

Lol! I'm so SO SOOOOO very sorry about poor little Deco, but I'm laughing so hard at "I don't know who that was back there". Necco, perhaps?

Mom would like that name ;)

Emily said...

ha ha ha ha!