Thursday, October 23, 2008

Here's Eddie!

Okay guys. I really should be banned from making videos. My narration skills are atrocious. I laugh at the most inappropriate times. Like after the word 'emasculation'. I breath heavily and I eat green beans into the microphone.

But at least it's Eddie! Enjoy!

'Tis true. Eddie is no longer fully male. He is a castrati. A eunuch. A neuter. A pansy. Then again. He's always been a pansy. - But he's been my pansy. 'Been' being the operative word. For the future of Eddie is not certain. (So Heather and Dick claim. I maintain "Eddie? Who is Eddie? Um. Those bleats coming from my trailer are the wind").

Which is why we whacked his balls. Excuse me. His avocados (as Dick insists I call them. I dunno. Must be a Hawaii thing).

...and those rather large craters you see on his head? That's where we burned his horns. Yes, we have heaped insult upon injury. And all of this so that he might live a long life as an obliging pet, rather than a short one as a curry.


Alina Klein said...

What I think is funny is that you have the words "balls", "avocados" and "Dick" in the same paragraph. Which two words do you guess nine out of ten people would guess were related?

Thanks for the Eddie video! The green beans sounded good. :) Now please explain what you mean about his future. And cow, Tara? The cow you killed? No explanation? You're a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad sister!

Alina Klein said...

Fintan just watched the video for the first time and when you said to say "bye bye" to Eddie's balls Fintan said "bye bye" and waved.
Eddie's balls couldn't get a better send off than that.:) I am glad, though, that Fintan thinks that Eddie just has some colorful plastic toys rolling around somewhere...

Oh, and I forgot to add "cacas, ew, cacas", Tara?! Lol. Mom, much? ;)

kan said...

What a slice you both are. Thank you.